Part 4


When Israel, under Joshua, had destroyed the seven nations of Canaan, what did they do with their land? (110)

They divided it amongst themselves by lot, and settled down in it to live in it according to the laws God had given them by Moses.

Did they continue obedient to these laws? (111)

Yes, so long as Joshua was alive and the old men who outlived him. After that, they turned away from the law of Moses, and began to do as the Canaanites did who lived near them. They forsook the worship of God and worshipped idols.

What was the consequence of their turning away from the law of Moses? (112)

God brought them into great trouble by allowing the neighbouring nations to get the upper hand of them, and drive them out of their houses, and take possession of their goods and lands.

Did these troubles destroy Israel? (113)

No. When they got into trouble, they repented of their disobedience, and cried to God; and time after time, during a period of 450 years, God raised them up judges who delivered them.

Can you name the judges He so raised up? (114)

After Joshua, Othniel, Ehud, Deborah and Barak, Gideon, Abimelech, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, Samson, Eli, and Samuel. These judges, though coming one after the other, did not all succeed each other in an unbroken line. There were intervals during which Israel was oppressed by neighbouring kings.


What change took place in the days of the last of these judges? (115)

Israel desired a king that they might be like the other nations. They came to Samuel and asked him to appoint them a king.

Did Samuel comply with their wishes? (116)

God told Samuel to do as they wished: and Samuel anointed Saul, son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, to be their king.

Did Saul prove a good king? (117)

No; he several times disobeyed God in important matters that he had been commanded to do.

What was the consequence of Saul’s disobedience? (118)

God rejected him from being king, and appointed David, the son of Jesse, of the tribe of Judah, in his place.

Was David a good king? (119)

Yes, he was a man after God’s own heart. All his life he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, except in one or two things in which he erred, but God forgave him.

How many kings came after him in succession, sitting upon his throne? and what were their names? (120)

There were twenty kings after David, all lineally descended from him, and sitting on his throne. The names were: Solomon, Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joram, Ahaziah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah.


Did the kings, whom we have just enumerated, reign over the twelve tribes of Israel, as David did? (121)

Solomon did so; but after his death, as a punishment for his sins, ten tribes revolted from the government of David’s house, and set up a king of their own, - one Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who established a separate Kingdom in the northern part of Palestine, consisting of ten tribes.

Of what ten tribes did the new kingdom consist? (122)

Of the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, Zebulun, Asher, Dan, Gad, Simeon, and Reuben.

What was the new kingdom called? (123)

The Kingdom of Israel. It was also frequently spoken of by the prophets as "Ephraim" from the leading tribe.

Was the new kingdom ruled by the law of Moses as when David and Solomon reigned? (124)

No; Jeroboam abandoned the law of Moses and led the ten tribes into idolatry, from which they never departed.

How many kings reigned over the kingdom of the ten tribes, and what were their names? (125)

The kings who reigned after Jeroboam were 18 in number: Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, Joash, Jeroboam, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah, Hoshea.

Of what tribes did the kingdom of David consist after the revolt of the ten tribes? (126)

Of Benjamin and Judah.

By what name was the kingdom of David’s successors known, and how long did it last? (127)

The Kingdom of David was known as the Kingdom of Judah. It lasted 393 years after the revolt of the ten tribes. It was then overthrown by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who took the people away into Babylon, where they remained in captivity for seventy years. There was then a restoration under Ezra and Nehemiah, in consequence of a decree of Cyrus, king of Persia, who had overthrown the kingdom of Babylon. But the kingdom of David was never restored. In about 540 years after the return from Babylon, Christ was born. In seventy years after that, the Jewish state was broken up by the Romans, and since then, it has been "trodden down of the Gentiles".


Did God make a covenant with David concerning the everlasting continuance of His kingdom? (128)

Yes; He promised to give him a son who should sit on the throne for ever, and set up a Kingdom in Israel that should have no end; and that David should see it with his eyes, and have a place therein.

Has the covenant made with David been fulfilled? (129)

It was fulfilled typically in Solomon; but its real fulfillment is to be in Christ, who was born in David's line and declared to be, not only the Son of God, but the Son of David and heir to David's throne.

Will Christ, then, yet occupy the throne of David? (130)

He will. At his second coming, he will sit on his throne and reign in Jerusalem as king of the Jews and ruler of all mankind.

Is Christ coming to the earth a second time? (131)

Yes; he will return as real as he went away; and when he comes, men will see him as really as when he was on the earth before.


What will Christ do first when he returns? (132)

He will assemble all those who are responsible to judgment, living or dead. The dead he will bring from their graves; the living he will gather by his angels. They must all appear before his judgment Seat, that they may receive through the body according to what they have done in this present life.

Who are responsible to judgment? (133)

All who know the truth, whether they submit to it or refuse.

Are there some that are not responsible? (134)

Yes, many. It is the light that makes responsible; but darkness covers the earth; and where there is darkness, sin is not imputed.

What becomes of those who are not responsible? (135)

They die and pass out of memory, as if they had never been.

What will the righteous among the responsible receive? (136)

Immortality of nature. Their mortal bodies will be changed in a moment by the power of the Spirit of God.

What will become of those whom he rejects? (137)

They will depart from his presence with shame and vexation, to suffer according as the Judge shall think they deserve, and at last to be devoured by the second death.


When Christ has judged those who appear before him, what will he do? (138)

He will make war upon the nations of the earth and subdue them.

When the nations are overthrown, what will he do next? (139)

He will gather the Jews from their dispersion among all the nations and re-establish them in their own land.

Will all Jews be restored? (140)

They will all be gathered from Gentile lands; but they will not all enter the land: the disobedient are to be destroyed from the midst of them, as it was when they came out of Egypt under Moses.

Will the Jews be a righteous nation in the day of their restoration? (141)

Yes, a new covenant will be made with them under which all their sins will be forgiven, and the law of God will be written in their hearts and minds. All will know and love God, from the least to the greatest.

Will there be a new Temple in their midst in that happy day? (142)

Yes; such a temple as has never been seen upon the earth for size and magnificence. The land will be turned into a Paradise, and the temple will stand in the centre of the land in a section of country dedicated wholly to the Lord. To this, all nations will regularly journey, to learn the way of God and worship before Him.


In what relation will the nations of the earth stand to Israel and their glorious King? (143)

The nations of the earth will all be subject to Christ, and do honour to the Jews, of whose blessedness they will share.

How long will this ruling of all nations by Christ and his people last? (144)

One thousand years.

Will the nations be mortal or immortal during that time? (145)

None will be immortal but Christ and his brethren - the saints. There will be death among men generally as now, only life will be greatly prolonged, and will be a blessed and happy state.


Will the Kingdom come to an end at the close of the thousand years? (146)

The kingdom will never end; but it will undergo a change at the close of the millennium.

What will be the nature of the change that will take place then? (147)

The nature of the change in its detail has not been revealed: but we know that death will then cease upon earth, and that Christ will deliver up the Kingdom to the Father, that God may be all in all.

How will the cessation of death be brought about at the end of the thousand years? (148)

By all men being made immortal who have come into harmony with God during the reign of Christ. As for those who remain out of harmony with Him, they will be destroyed.

Will it be possible for those who live as mortal men during the reign of Christ to become immortal at the end of the thousand years? (149)

Yes; if they please God, they will enter into life at the end of the thousand years, just as those do who enter into life at the beginning of that period. If they die before that time they will then be raised and glorified. If they are alive, they will be changed. Their number will be much greater than the number of those who become immortal at the beginning of the thousand years. They will be the harvest, while those accepted at the coming of Christ will be but the first-fruits.

When death is thus abolished from the earth, will the earth be destroyed? (150)

No; the earth will endure for ever, filled with the glory of God and His deathless rejoicing people.

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